Brandon Rutledge
Where is your Hometown?
I live in Denver but I grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
How long have you lived in Colorado?
I moved to Colorado in May of 2007.
What did you do prior to getting into fitness?
I have a degree in Business Administration and was working as the Sales Director for a Retirement Plan Administration Company… and I’m yawning already talking about it .
What is your fitness background?
I have an Associate’s Degree in Occupational Sciences for Personal Training. I became an ACE Certified Personal Trainer in January 2014, and received my Lagree Fitness Certification that same year. I played sports since childhood, most notably football and wrestling. After high school, I coached youth football for five years until I finished college and moved to Colorado. I have always been a chronic exerciser and use my fitness as my “moving meditation.” My personal philosophy for health and fitness is that exercise should be a lifestyle. It should be something that you enjoy (so you’ll actually do it), and something you can do forever (as opposed to high-impact methods which take a negative toll on your body). Working for myself, I have enjoyed the ability to discriminate against methods I believe to be too hard on your body. I love Lagree because whether you’re 8 or 80, a first-timer or master, you can challenge yourself deeply in each workout if you choose to. There is always room for improvement and refinement, even at an elite level. Plus, this is all done without trashing your joints and/or muscles.
How did you find Lagree?
I was seeking more exposure to different types of low impact exercise and came across a website for a Lagree studio. They were actually looking for coaches, so I came in for a few sample classes and it was like coming home. I couldn’t believe how challenging and effective the workouts were without tearing my body down. Immediately my performance increased across all of my fitness disciplines and I was soon able to fix a few nagging pains I was experiencing.
Favorite Mega Move?
Scrambled Eggs.
Mega move that challenges you the most?
Bungee Side Lift.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Trashy live TV like LivePD and Flaming Hot Cheetos.